“Any discounts running?” You asked - We listened. Rewards for life with the Reactive Parts Loyalty Scheme...
How does it all work?
As a customer with an online account, for every £2 you spend online you’ll earn 1 point. Points will be added to your online account when your order is shipped.
Points are ‘active’ on your account for 1 year after they are earned. Within this period, they can be exchanged for a discount on your next online order. 1 point can be exchanged for 10p off (these stack up!). Please note, loyalty points are earned and redeemable online only.
You will not be able to redeem or earn points when applying promotional discount codes
Existing Customers
If you are an existing customer, don’t worry – you’re already in! Log in and start shopping now to earn points!
New Customers
If you’re a new customer, you can become a loyalty customer by signing up here